
Tuesday 10th September 2019
      Shot Sizes And Camera Shots
shot sizes:
Wide/long shot             
Medium/mid shot(MS)
Point of view shot (POV) 
Over the shoulder(OTS)

Camera angles:
Eye level      
Low angle    
High angle   
Dutch angle 

(this picture I have taken my own )
This picture is a close up shot ,the camera zooming into the bottle.

This picture is a high angle shot, the camera is not 
too far away and it's from a high level 
Shot making the characters feel as we are over
Powering them.

This picture is a  low angle shot , the shot has been taken from
 the upward perspective  of the character that is on the 
floor which makes the audience feel controlled 
by the characters looking down on you. 

 This picture is an eye level medium shot
This shot has been taken in  eye to eye shot
From the character  to the view of facing the 
audience making them feel comfortable.

This picture is an dutch angle shot, this 
Shot  has deliberately tilted to add an 
Dramatic Effect for  the audience. 

This picture is an wide/long shot, this camera shot allows to see from the side of the picture and gives us as an audience a better understanding of the setting and what's happening in the film.
This picture is an extreme close up shot, this shot
focuses on a certain feature of a character
and in some cases it the eyes, this allows
us the audience allows to see the kind of
characters they are.

This picture is an point of view shot, this shot is 
taken from the characters eyes and seeing 
what they see in front of them and they see 
in their point of view.

This picture is a full shot, this shot is a variation on 
the long shot showing the full subject in the foreground
with the feet at the bottom of the frame.

This picture is an over the shoulder shot, also known As shot reverse shot , this shot is when the camera is placed over one of the characters shoulder this shows to what we as an audience can see properly rather than the character having his/her back facing the camera 

This picture is an medium/mid shot , this shows
the human body from the mid shin or mid-thigh up
which is often used to us as an audience the 
interaction between the characters.

Wednesday 11th September 2019

Andy Warhol

Age: 58 years old (6 August 1928) He was an american artist director and producer who was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop art.

Andy Warhol produced about 60 films and support-

ed a band called the velvet underground. one of his movies was a 6 hour film of his friend sleeping call-
sleep. Andy was shot 3 times in the chest by a femin-ist Valerie Solanis and nearly died on the 3rd of june , 1968. He died in the hospital shortly after having a surgery on his gall bladder.

Died: 22 February 1987

Andy experienced childhood in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania the child of a development laborer. His original name was Andrew Warhola. When he was 8 years of age he came down with a liver infection that caused hi climbs to sometimes spasm uncontrollably. While recovering, his mom, an embroiderer and artist, taught him how to draw. He was a peaceful and modest child, but loved drawing, photography, and motion pictures. At the point when Andy was fourteen, his dad died from liver disease. His dad considered Andy the most brilliant of his kids and had set aside cash for Andy to head off to college. When he graduated from secondary school, he went to Carnegie Mellon University to study art.   

  • Style/Period: Pop Art, Modern Art
In 1961 Andy thought of the idea of utilizing mass-created business merchandise in his specialty. He called it Pop Art. He would utilize business pictures and recreate them again and again. One early case of this was an arrangement on Campbell's Soup jars. In one painting he had 200 Campbell's soup jars repeated again and again. Andy frequently used silkscreen and lithography to create his pictures.

Example of work : Shot Marilyns

This is one of Andy Warhol's popular art of piece of work
, it was one of his famous and popular pop art as he used different colours of combinations
on her face. The subject of the art was a woman it was published in 1964.

Wednesday 19th september 2019
Hybrids in Art and Media

  • Harpy
  • Griffin
  • Cyborg


What is harpy?
A harpy is a half human and half bird  personification.
The Harpies were mythical monsters in Greek mythology. The Harpies were also seen as the personifications of the destructive winds. Initially, two harpies were mentioned; Aello (storm swift), and Ocypete (swift wing). Later, a third was added, named Celaeno .


What is a Griffin?
A griffin is an ancient creature with a body , tail  and back legs of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle and also sometimes the eagles  heels are used as front feet.

 Griffin in the past was a symbol of strength and dexterity.

What is a cyborg ?
A cyborg is both organic and biomechatronic  body parts put together to look like a robot which is basically half human and half robot.
Tuesday 24th September 2019

How is Hybrid represented in media/film?

A hybrid genre is a combination of themes elements from two or more different types of genres, hybrid is also another way  of saying personification which is giving an animal human traits or facial/body features.
Examples of hybrids:

These pictures above are examples of hybrids in different movies/films they are a co-mbination of half animal and half human and animal mixed with another animal.

How are Hybrids shown in media (good/evil)/

How do we know this form,colour,texture and personality? 
Hybrids in media are shown in many different ways such as good and evil,depending on the topic and the genre and the characteristics the hybrid are represented very differently. 

Hybrid Arts Primary emphasis is on the process of fusing different media and genres into new forms of artistic expression as well as the act of transcending the boundaries between art and research, art and social/political activism, art and pop culture.

A hybrid is  the result of crossbreeding, be it of different animals, plants, cars or fields. A short description of these art forms is included in the chapter on the artist and artworks.

There are two main types of hybrid art forms. One is the actual hybrid art form, and the other is something called a Gedunken hybrid. The main difference being that in an actual hybrid art form, all art forms are clearly distinct and come together to create another art form. In a Gedunken hybrid, different  structural or mediumistic components are changed.

Joan Fontcuberta 
Born: 24th february 1955 (age of 64) Barcelona , spain

Joan Fontcuberta is a conceptual artist whose  best-known. Who also plays the conventions of documentary photography in order to encourage us to question what we see. In addition he is also a writer  and an editor , teacher and curator he received a communication’s degree from autonomous university    

Examples of paintings and drawings:

This is a  drawing of lines and patterns using lines.
In each box there was different patterns drawn with lines.


Art Key Terms:

This is the art key terms work where i write the definitions of the words that is used in art.

Seven Visual Elements:

This is the seven visual element sheet about shape

The seven visual elements are:

  • Line
  • Shape
  • Space
  • Value 
  • Form
  • Texture
  • Color


  • Color 
  • Color is the element of art that is produced when light, striking an object, is reflected back to the eye.
  • Shape 
  • Shape is a flat closed area of lines that connect and close at the end.
  • Form 
  • Form is a visible shape of  something.
  • Value
  • Value deals with the lightness or darkness of a color.  
  • Space
  • Space is the distances or areas around, between, and within components of a piece.
  • Texture 
  • Texture is the surface quality/ the way something feels or looks likes it feels.
  • Line 

  • Line is a single narrow mark on paper.

Pictures From The Museum:

Natural History Museum and Victoria and Albert Museum.

I found the museum  very interesting  and and exciting it was very helpful and i got to learn different things about the statues and jewellery etc.

Colour Meaning and Symbolism 

How am i going to use colour in my hybrid?

I  would use colour in hybrid by camouflaging two colours together to represent my hybrid with different emotions.

Illustrator Research:


This is an example of Stefan Mosebach of work, This drawing looks very unique and it looks like it has been drawn by a child and the use of colour  is very interesting. 

An illustrator is an artist who creates two-dimensional images for various companies and industries, such as fashion design, children's books, magazines, medical manuals, web sites, technical designs and advertising.
