
Final Hybrid Evaluation:  My final piece was a hybrid of an eagle and a dog before this my idea was to make a hybrid of a dog and an owl and then i changed my idea  to making the hybrid of eagle and the dog.I used an eagle to mix it in with the dog to make it look unique , my influence of the eagle came from the Natural History museum, I went on a trip to the Natural History museum  and I took the picture from the display. At the start I did make a plan before but I did not follow it as i did make changes and also when I made the plan, I found  my plan useful as i the plan I made in the start did give me ideas to make my final hybrid piece.For my hybrid I researched examples of hybrid to get myself some ideas of what to make for my final hybrid.
The research I did was a good help as it did influence me to achieve my final piece. While creating my hybrid I did not have as many problems the only problem I had was getting ideas to create my final piece but I overcame my problem by  creating a plan and researching ideas to get my final hybrid piece done.Making my final hybrid it went well but not as I expected it to go, In my opinion I think I completed making the product  to a standard level such as a good level,My final piece does communicate well of my ideas but not to the extent I thought it would turn out.My final hybrid went okay it was not what I wanted as so much of. As i think i kept changing ideas of animals and trying to find the perfect one I could get of to to create my final hybrid.  If I were to repeat the process again I would plan out a proper plan and practice with to see if  it's what I want to create my hybrid.

Final Mask Evaluation: My final piece of my mask is  a combination of two colors which is black and yellow which will then one side a devil face representing and the other side will have a different of a good personality. 
 I did this in 3 stages first by drawing my face and then transferring onto the cardboard and making it 3D and then designing it but  because I kept changing ideas last minute i did not make a plan for how to design it, but if I did make a plan before it would have helped me to stay in one focus and achievement to get the mask I wanted. I created my mask by using cardboard and modrock  and plaster and then I used paint to paint my mask. I used the color to yellow and black and I also stuck a little one side of  the mask. For my mask I researched examples of design to create my mask. 
The resource I used to get the ideas and examples of what I wanted to design of my mask with I used Pinterest to get examples  and ideas. My research did influence a lot to my final product and my research was also successful as it did help.  While creating my mask I did not have many problems I only had a  problem of thinking of how to get started to colour my mask and design but then I overcame my problem by using research resource to get my ideas.  Making my mask went the only part that went well was with making the actual mask and drawing a portrait of myself and measuring my facial features. My Final Hybrid Mask went okay, it was messy but it looked okay.Also it went wrong as i changed my mask design again last minute from black and yellow and to black and white, To make it better I would have needed good time use and ideas of what I want to design my mask. 
If I were to repeat the process again I would make a plan and make a moodboard about my ideas to make a design for my mask.

